Thursday, November 27, 2008


Every day of the year warrants a grateful expression of wonder at what the world has to offer. While it's so easy to get caught up in all the ridiculous wasted energy and egotistical ambitions of so many people, it's not so difficult to simply relax into the many things that have hit the heart since the beginning of memory. So on this Thanksgiving day, 2008, I make this dedication to the spirit of good people and good music. This is yet another inexplicably OOP record by the talented Toshiko Akiyoshi. Since I discovered her big band with former hubby Lew Tabakin, I have been a great fan and was happy to land the following trio album which apparently has never been put to CD. Her playing is so fluid, and although this album features all "cover" tunes by some of the jazz greats like Miles, Powell, Gillespie and Brubeck, I think she is a tremendous composer/arranger as well. I recommend any of her work and I think you will enjoy this one despite the low bit rate here...feel free to give thanks...


Toshiko Akiyoshi Trio - Dedications - 1979

Side One:
Toshiko Akiyoshi: piano
Bob Daugherty: bass
Jimmy Smith: drums

Swinging Till The Girls Come Home

Side Two:
Toshiko Akiyoshi: piano
Andrew Simpkins: bass
Peter Donald: drums

Two Bass Hit
In Your Own Sweet Way
Tempus Fujit


q3mi4 said...

thanks, yes! about Tabackin, is he a former, actually? I thought Charlie Mariano is the former, but to Tabackin she's still married, but of course I might be wrong. Do you by any chance know where to find a recording of her Hiroshima suite?

Durge & The Oldies said...

I believe both men are formers to her. I remember being disappointed to learn that they had parted and it was quite a long time ago if I'm correct. However, I also believe she has maintained her friendships and musical associations, especially with Lew. But I am also, no expert, could be wrong....thanks for the thanks!

Anonymous said...

Hosting said "deleted or invalid file". Could you reup? are the only one on the net with that album [my fav/her best-IMNTBHO]. well as with "Ten Gallon Shuffle".....

Great site, keep up the Great work !!!

Best to you & yours....

Crestline CA

Durge & The Oldies said...

SL - Thanks for reporting the dead link. I guess MF didn't see enough activity there which I'm surprised to see. Glad you are interested. Please retry using the new link to RS. Enjoy!

Bhowani said...

Arkiver, I'm discovering your blog !
One more precious stone in the garden !
Thank you for this unknown Akiyoshi although I've found her playing having sometimes a little weakness on others early records. Here it's a good opportunity to correct my judgment. Thanks again !

Bhowani said...

Thank you encore !
Low bit rate like this ? I want more !
Surprising punchy version of Solar !
Great !